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The Rockies

Brian Bingnear had a break out rookie season thanks to being drafted by Riley Brown and looks to have a strong career ahead of him. After shocking the league with the 4th round pick of Bingnear, Brian proved his worth, both pitching and hitting much better than anyone would have predicted. Although Brian posted a 5.53 ERA with an 0-3 record over 18 innings this season, not all hope is lost. Most of the negatives during Brian's rookie season could be attributed to his team, for it is tough to tally wins when you cannot score runs, and it is tough to get locked in on the mound when you get thrown into the starter role during your rookie season. I believe Brian will do well as a backup in the league next year and will start to become more comfortable on the mound. After that, the sky is the limit for Brian and we could see another Bingnear brother start to cement his name into the list of RPWL legends.

2017 Recap: Out of Position

We learned one thing from the 2017 Rockies and that is that not everyone is meant to be a captain... We needed Riley to fill in after losing Greg, but it turned out worse than we expected, and resulted in a dismal 2-12 season for the squad. Don't get me wrong, Riley is a good player: he can hit and he has shown that he can pitch (throwing a no hitter against Bleacher and the Yanks), but he just isn't meant for the captain role We first learned this on draft night, when he took rookie Brian Bingnear fourth overall in the draft. This would be a bold decision for most, but Riley didn't really care. He wanted to have fun, so he picked a team he'd have fun with. And honestly, I can't really blame him. Some of us take winning more serious than others, but at the end of the day the league is all about having a good time with some lifetime friends. Some positives to take from the Rockies this year? We got to see that Brian Bingnear is no joke, as he pitched his way to a ROY award and will likely be picked up in the first round yet again, this time by Tommy Loftus. Additionally, with the Rockies season ending so poorly, Riley Brown is no longer a captain... Meaning he'll be back in the draft in 2018. Riley has the talent to easily be a first round pick in the draft, but who he will go to is currently unknown. One thing is for sure, once Riley gets loose, he is a serious threat on the mound. As I mentioned earlier, Riley no hit arguably the best hitting team in the league in the Yankees, showing that he has the potential to be a solid pitcher for any team when given the right amount of time to prepare. I expect Riley to be drafted mid-late first round and help his captain as a solid relief pitcher, while providing arguably the best hitting talent in the draft as well. Although the season didn't play out as I'm sure he wanted, Riley really stepped up and helped us out when we needed him to. Riley, if you're actually reading this, at least you came out of this season with some dos equis and some laughs. To close this one out, hi welcome to Chili's, and stay thirsty my friend... just watch out for the sidewalks in the future.

2017 Results

W      L      RF     RA     RD

 2     12     30      85    -55

2017 Roster:

1. Riley Brown - Captain


2. Brian Bingnear


3. Eddie Bleacher


4. Behn Worley


5. Brett Korn (acquired via trade)

2017 Batting Statistics
Reg. Season Record: 2-12
Playoff Record: 0-0
Overall: 2-12
Championship App: 0
Championship Wins: 0
2017 Pitching Statistics
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