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Front Office

Anyone who runs any type of group with a decent number of members knows it is NOT an easy task. In fact, without a supporting cast of characters, I'd call it an impossible task. In a way to give credit to those who have significantly helped over the years, we've decided to present the front office page. Even though there are only five people featured on this page, it could probably have been a list of about 20 or so... Don't worry, we give credit where credit is due so check out the players page by clicking the button below to read more about all of the members of the league. (Shoutout Chris, Greg, Dane, and Wayne who were all founding fathers of the RPWL. This website wouldn't be here without you guys ).


Dylan Harshaw

- Commissioner 

- Head of Rules Committee

- Head of Organizing Committee

- Web Design

- Social Media

- Grounds Crew

Graphic Design

- Head of Public/ Business Relations

- Statistician 


Austin Bleacher

- Commissioner 

- Rules Committee

- Organizing Committee

- Grounds Crew

- Public/ Business Relations


Colin Pollag

- Commissioner 

- Rules Committee

- Organizing Committee

- Web Design

- Social Media

- Grounds Crew

- Statistician 



Tommy Loftus

- Rules Committee

- Organizing Committee

- Head of Social Media 

- Grounds Crew

- Public/Business Relations

- League Promotions

- Uniform Design



Joey Van Houten

- Organizing Committee

- Social Media

- Grounds Crew

- Graphic Design

- Livestreams



Sean Bingnear

- Rules Committee

- Organizing Committee

-  Head of Grounds Crew

- Public/ Business Relations


Chris Durning

- Rules Committee

- Organizing Committee

- Public/ Business Relations

- Head of Finance

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Zane Johnston

- Graphic Design

- Uniform Design


© 2020 By Ridley Park Wiffleball League.  Proudly created with

Website Developed By Dylan Harshaw, Colin Pollag, and Dane McGrath

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